Please follow IEEE two-column A4 size standard conference format for preparing your final manuscript. The paper must not contain 1st, 2nd, Dr., Mr., Prof. etc. in the author’s name. Also, no author biography at the end. For more details please visit:
Revised Version: Paper must be revised based on reviewers’ comments/suggestions. The reviewer’s comments are already notified through email and also available in the CMT paper submission site. The authors are expected to make sure that the comments of the reviewers/meta-reviewers have been addressed in the final camera-ready paper.
The maximum page limit is six pages including references. An extra two pages (i.e. maximum of 8 pages) may be allowed with an over-length page charge of Rs. 2000 / $ 15 per page.
Similarity with other papers should be low (i.e. a similarity index below 19 % and 5% from a single source is only acceptable for publication in IEEE Xplore). The maximum File Size allowed is 3 MB and the file format is Adobe PDF (.pdf) without any encryption and/or passwords.
Author List and Paper Title: The author list as well as the paper title in your final paper submission must remain the same as those in the accepted version. Any change in the author list or paper title is forbidden.
Rename the file to PIDAAA (where AAA is your paper ID) before submission to CMT account.
Ensure that all authors have been added as authors/co-authors in the CMT submission site.
Step 4: Submission of the Copyright Form
The corresponding or primary author of the paper shall visit the respective CMT account to sign the electronic Copyright form.
Under Actions tab, click the “Submit IEEE Copyright Form”.
A page will open with details of your paper for IEEE Copyright Form Submission.
Next, visit ( Click to redirect to the IEEE Copyright Web Site. (AA is your paper ID)
Now, the author will be redirected to IEEE eCF site to submit copyright form.
After filling out the IEEE copyright form and copyright agreements, there is an option to download the completed IEEE Copyright Form in PDF (The corresponding author would have received the copyright form through email also).
Now authors must upload it in CMT account. Please note that the corresponding author can submit the copyright form for all the authors and it is a mandatory process for your submission to complete.